Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Little Bit of a Fish Tank

As I have said in the past, for the past month my dad has been working on a salt water fish tank. The tank is now set up with water, salt, sand and rocks. The lights on the tank work and my dad just set up a battery to power the tank when there is no power. When the rocks came in the mail there was like 6 crabs hiding. Most of them are out but there is still one. Yesterday my dad attempted to catch it, but it got away. A lot of the stuff on the rocks is dieing because there is Ammonia in the water. We have been testing the water and the Ammonia is starting to turn into Nitrite. Soon the Nitrite will turn into Nitrate, which isn't that toxic so the stuff wont die as much. The Nitrate is still toxic but we can get rid of most of it. Once the tank is ready in about a month, with the Nitrate and stuff my dad can get fish. The fish tank is pretty cool. Soon it will be pretty cool and pretty. I hope I can build a fish tank when I grow up.

Please click on Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate to figure out what they are. I'm sorry if the articles are too complicated for you, search up those words on the Internet to find a less complicated version.

This is part of a post series. To see the last post in this series Click Here

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