Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Little Bit of Leagues

I have a lot of friends at my pool. Some of them play with Pokemon cards and are in the Pokemon league. Not the real one like in Pokemon games, but a made up one where kids are ranked on how good they are with Pokemon cards. Currently there is a minor and a major league. There is also a league for tether ball and ping pong. In both of those the kids who play are ranked on how good they are. Most of the kids are pretty good. Currently the leagues for tether ball and ping pong are average, minor, major, ultimate and legend. The point of this post is for you to try a league. You can make one at your school, at your club, at your pool or even at your home. You get to play tournaments for your league. They are really fun and easy to make all you need is some friends, some ideas for the league and a point of the league. I hope you start one! They are so much fun and easy to make. I somewhat manage the ping pong league.

Happy 4th of July!

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