Monday, June 27, 2011

A Little Bit of Evernote

All year at school we have taken notes in notebooks. But not normal notebooks...At my school we take notes in a program called Evernote. Evernote is a program where you can create multiple notebooks and write inside them. Inside you can put pictures, music, videos, graphs, charts and text.You can create as many notebooks as you want, and you can make categories that notebooks go into.

There are three different types of notes you can use. The first is a plain text note. You can make tables, put music and  put pictures inside, and don't forget put text in. The second is an audio note. You record something and it saves to a notebook. The third is the picture note. You take a picture  with your webcam and it turns into a note. The cool thing about the picture notes are that, the picture flips so you can read text if you are taking a picture of a paper with writing.

Evernote is a great learning tool to take notes on. Also it is much easier to type than write. Evernote has helped me a lot throught this year at my school. If you want to use it go to: You can use it for free or pay for more data to store notes. You should suggest it at your school.


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