Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Little Bit of Ocean Grove

Today I went to this really old town. It is called Ocean Grove. It was invented around the Victorian era so a lot of the houses there are Victorian style. First we went to the beach. The waves and wind were strong because of the hurricane Igor in Bermuda. I got to fly a kite, but I eventually got bored and passed the kite to my little brother. My parents let me go body boarding after that. As I said before the waves were really strong. Right when I went out there I started getting pulled towards a wave. I still feel that feeling. After I got far enough out I started getting sucked under from a bunch of rip tides. Eventually I got tired so I went back to shore. I dug a couple holes. I also made a sandman called SandBob PuffPants. I wonder if he is still alive? After the beach I got to walk around town. The town was pretty cool. There were a lot of old buildings and new buildings (most Victorian style). I believe if you build a house in Ocean Grove, it must be Victorian style. There were a bunch of cool shops. We even got to go to this Ice Cream place. It is the oldest up and running business in Ocean Grove. Their Ice Cream was really good (not as good as my family's homemade Ice Cream). Speaking of Ice Cream, I am about to go make some more Oreo Ice Cream. Wow today was fun. You should go to Ocean Grove sometime.

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