Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Little Bit of Nada

Knock, Knock!

(Who's there?)

A Little Bit

(A Little Bit who?)

A Little Bit of Nada!

This is A Little Bit of Nada's 50th post! Lets look at top five posts.

Top Five Posts in A Little Bit of Nada

5. A Little Bit of Rec Camp 2 This post was pretty good. I like it because it reminds me of how much fun I had at Rec Camp.

4. A Little Bit of the Natural History Museum This post is cool because it teaches you about this giant museum full of awesome stuff. I like how it is one of my longest posts.

3. A Little Bit of Popcorn This one is nice because after this post I started using tests (including taste tests, excluding book reviews)

2. A Little Bit of My Blender I really like this one. Mostly because I started using recipes once I did this post.

1. First, Second, First! Remember the first post? That was last year when I was on a spring soccer team. Now I am on a fall soccer team.

Yeah, anyway


I saw a Preying Mantis yesterday. It was all grown up and giant. I think it was a girl because it was so big. I got it to go on me. We took so many pictures. Even one with my brother holding it (for his school). Also I got dropped of at my pool today, by my self! I am finally old enough. It was really fun.

That's all folks! I will do another A Little Bit of Nada post once I have 100 posts. Oh I almost forgot! A Little Bit of Nada's first nine posts didn't start with A Little Bit of... I am going to make a poll to decide if I should keep them the way they are, or change them to A Little Bit of... So Vote now above the Search A Little Bit of Nada (if the poll isn't there it is too early to vote, or too late to vote).



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