Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Little Bit of VBS

Throughout this week I have been going to a VBS (vacation Bible school). It is like camp except about the Bible. This year it was about Joseph's journey throughout Egypt. Which is why most of the stuff is based on Egypt. But it is more about how Joseph started out in prison and ended up in the Pharaoh's palace. My top three favorite parts were:

3. Hieroglyphics shop where you make a scroll of the Hieroglyphic alphabet and make a name tag in Hieroglyphics.

2. Egyptian Playground (a.k.a. Gym, P.E., games etc.) where you do these fun games and activities. I really liked the mummy race, where teams tried to get someone wrapped up in toilet paper as fast as possible.

1. Snack where you get to have a snack based on what that day in camp was about. My favorite snack was Sweetish Fish candy, Blue Jell-O, Goldfish Crackers and pretzel sticks. It was supposed to represent the Nile River (and fishing in the Nile with pretzel sticks).

Even though the camp lasted only for 5 days, it was still really fun. On the first day I learned God gives everyone hope. It was pretty fun. My favorite part was a race to wrap someone up in toilet paper, to make a toilet paper mummy. I was the toilet paper mummy, and my team won. On the second day I learned how God gives everyone special abilities. Like being able to whistle or snap. I had a lot of fun that day. The part I liked the most was making Egyptian collars. Mine turned out pretty cool. On the third day I learned how God gives everyone wisdom. That day was awesome. The part that I really had fun doing was this relay race with sponges, buckets and water. The goal was to use a sponge to get the water in your teams bucket to fill up the empty buckets a couple feet away. It was really fun, and I got soaked. On the fourth day I learned about how God gives everyone forgiveness, so we can forgive others when they do something that makes us unhappy. What I really about that day was making a Hieroglyphic name tag with stamps for the Hieroglyphic letters (well actually sounds). I still am astonished with how cool my name tag is. Finally on the fifth day I learned about how God gives everyone family. An example of this is your family at home or even the family of the VBS. The part I really really liked about that day was weaving these paper baskets with hay. It was actually pretty fun and no one talked the whole time.
The VBS was really fun. I hope to go again next year, and to become a counselor there in two years.

1 comment:

  1. THanks for sharing your activities at VBS. The teachers very clever with craft ideas. Hope you still have your collar when I come to visit.
