Monday, August 2, 2010

A Little Bit of the Natural History Museum

Two days ago one of my friends and I went to the Natural History Museum. We went to some coxhibits. The first one was the dinosaur room. There was a bunch of dinosaur drawings, dinosaur fossils (aka dinosaur bones), and virtual dinosaurs. I was fascinated by this giant dinosaur skeleton with footprints in cement behind it. The footprints were real ones put into the ground, or fake ones that copy the shape of real ones.
After the dinosaurs we went to the Race to the End of the World exhibit. That exhibit was about how two teams of people tried to get to the south pole. At the time the south pole was the last geographical prize to claim since the north pole was earlier claimed by the USA. One of the teams was for England, and one of the teams was for Norway I believe. The leader of the British was Robert Scott, while the leader to the Norwegians was Roald Amundsen. In we watched a movie about it which asked us to take a card from the machine in the exhibit. Each card was for a person on the British team or the Norwegian team. I got a card for the Norwegian team even though I wanted one from the British team. It doesn't matter though because the Norwegian team won. My favorite part of this exhibit was this machine that tests you to see if you're good enough for the south pole. I scored a 21 out of 30.
Next I went to the space exhibit. There I saw a bunch of models for planets, stars, black holes and solar systems. I really liked this thermal camera where you rub ice on yourself and watch what happens on a TV. I also liked these scales in the ground that show how much you weigh on certain planets and stars. Finally I liked this movie that really filed me in on black holes.
The last exhibit I went to was one that was about the Big Bang. The Big Bang was an explosion that started our universe. The exhibit started in a weird room with a giant screen in the ground that made footage look 3-D. There they showed the introduction video to the Big Bang. After that we walked down a winding ramp that showed a time line for the universe. My favorite part about that was the introduction.
That was my day at the Natural History Museum. It was really fun, I think you should go some time.

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