Friday, July 30, 2010

A Little Bit of Ender's Game

Over this summer, one of the books I read was Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Now I am going to do a review on it.

PLOT ***** FIVE STARS Overal the plot was great. It is based very far in the future. At the beginning it isnt explained too well but later it gets great!

A lot of the characters are children. A lot of the children are capable of doing things that many children aren't capable of, now and when the book takes place. SPOILER ALERT: An example of this is children becoming famous with their flat-screen"desks". Or as they are called nowadays, computers.

EMOTIONAL MOVEMENT (How much it made me want to laugh/cry) *** THREE STARS
The book was sad. Mostly at the end though. It was also a little funny. Not too much though.

The book was great overall. I really liked it, but it could have been a tiny bit better. It was a little confusing at the end.

The book was great. I would suggest it to people 12+. If you are going to read it, I hope you like it!

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