Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Little Bit of Apple Camp

For the past two days I have gone to apple camp. There I bake apples, make apple cider and much much more! Just kidding! Actually I have been going to a camp for apple computers. It is completely free. It is for three days. On the first day you learn about the program iMovie, plan your movie and record a little bit of your movie. Then when you get home record the rest of your movie. On the second day you edit your movie and put it on a disc. On the third and final day you present your movie. Apple camp was really fun. If YOU yes YOU are interested in going to Apple Camp, go to the apple website and sign up for apple camp at an apple store near you.

This is an example of a movie made at apple camp


  1. Hi Jack, I really liked your apple joke. I also liked your example of the movie. I think you are so special. Love, mimi

  2. Jack funny movie, don't drink too much cider at apple camp.

  3. Hi Jack, It is Wednesday July 28, I was just checking to see if there was any new "stuff". I guess you have been busy ! Love, Mimi
