Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Little Bit of Shrek 4

I will now review the new Shrek movie I just saw.

Plot ****
I give the plot 4 stars. It was good and all but I thought it really copied Its a Wonderful Life. Also, unlike the other movies, it was focused mostly on Shrek. None of the other characters had very big parts. I would have liked to see some more from other characters.

Emotional Movement (How much it made people cry/laugh) *****
I give the emotional movement 5 stars because it was sad and funny. Some parts made me feel sorry for the characters, especially Rumpel Stiltsken, and some parts made me laugh.

Effects ****
I give the effects 4 stars mainly because it was a cartoon and the makers can make anything happen in it. The 3D was okay, but it was nothing like Avatar. But I thought the effects were cool especially the part where Shrek has a spell cast on him by Rumpel Stiltsken.

In total I would say the movie was 4 and a half stars

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