Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Little Bit of Praying mantises

This year I have praying mantis eggs. They look like carved wood balls. This kind of camouflage keeps them from getting eaten. I had praying mantises last year, too. They take a really long time to hatch so they wont die if the weather is cold. Last year the preying mantises weren't hatching, so one day my mom said since the eggs were dead she would cut one open to see what was inside. I watched as she took a kitchen knife and an egg. She sliced through the middle so it was in two pieces. We were shocked to see light green things in the shells. Green usually means life. The bugs in the middle were dead but there were like 400 living ones. We had to rubber band the two slices together to protect the surviving ones. The next day green bugs were all other the basket we put the eggs in. Now we know to wait until the weather is warm enough for the bugs to survive and hatch. So far I haven’t seen anything with the eggs. I will update when they hatch.
Pic: Lorika13 at

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