Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Little Bit of Frost Valley

For the past seven years, I have been going to a father son camp. It is called Frost Valley, or Trail Guides. Every October, March or April I go. I just got back two days ago. Frost Valley is in the top five favorite things of my life.

This Frost Valley was pretty funny. I went like any other one, and only little kids were there. I kept pulling out my laptop and waiting for my friends to come. Finally they did. We started a fire and made S'mores. I found a random stick by the fire, cooked it and sharpened it. Every Frost Valley you should have a stick for the fire. I stayed up basically all night. Around 1:00 we played Man Hunt (hide and seek in the dark). Around 2:00 my friends started playing cards. So I played. They were playing this really fun game called Butter Scotch. You basically go around a circle and every turn the player who's turn it is must put down a card. The card number goes up each time. When a player thinks whoever put down the card is lying they call Butter Scotch. If the person is lying they take all the cards except ace of spades on the bottom. If they weren't lying, the person who called Butter Scotch takes the cards. I played till 3:10 when I went to bed. Frost Valley rocks! You should go.

Pic: mysummercamps.com

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