Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Little Bit of Turtle Back Zoo 3

For the past couple of years, every summer I have been going to a zoo called the Turtle Back Zoo. It is a great place to go when you are bored. There are so many fun things to do there. One of my favorite parts of the Zoo is the Tropical Currents part. It just came out this year. Inside there are tons of fish tanks. Right when you walk in you see this tank with three Lionfish inside. Did you know the middle spike on a Lionfish's back is poisonous? Next to that tank is one full of Seahorses. Seahorses are one of the weirdest animals in the world. Did you know that the male Seahorse give birth to the babies?

Also in the zoo, I love going to the Aviary. It is basically a huge wire cage that you walk in with a stick covered in bird seed. There are about 500 Grass Parekeets flying all over. Grass Parakeets are very colorful birds. Also they are very social, which is why people use them as pets a lot. Usually they live  up to 20 years. They can eat most things. Basically every fruit except grapefruits, lemons, plums and avocados  In the Aviary, there are some trees planted for the birds to land on. It is really fun to walk over to the birds and get them to go onto your stick. You get to carry them around the whole Aviary. Sometimes you can even get the birds to climb on your fist. I think the Aviary is my favorite part. CLICK HERE TO SEE AN ARTICLE ABOUT IT

The Turtle Back Zoo is a great place to go when you are bored over the summer. You can visit their website at...turtlebackzoo.com!

This post is part of a series. To See the last post in the series CLICK HERE
Smiley Face: http://www.glogster.com/media/5/22/57/83/22578383.png
About the Grass Parrakeet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budgerigar

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