Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Little Bit of the Turtle Back Zoo 2

Today I went to the zoo for the third time. I got to see these cute little penguins (they were African Penguins so they could beat the heat). They were tiny and sleeping right against the glass. I also got to see the wolf! Well it was hiding so I didn't get to see it. But it was fun looking anyway. Remember the last time I went to the zoo I got to go in this bird house and get birds on popsicle sticks? Well I went again. This time there was a lot of people that and overfed the birds so I didn't get to get many. They all flew to the highest branches where no body could get them. It was still fun though because the birds still ate a little bit, and every once in a while you could push the popsicle sticks under the birds. My sister was much better at it than the first time (she even got a couple birds to stay on her popsicle stick for a little while). after that I got to see these cute little prairie dogs. There is a bunch of scratches on the case that keeps them (sometimes if they see people they scratch on the glass trying to get out). They dig a bunch of holes (some more attempts to get out). There is also a tunnel under the exhibit where you can peek in these glass windows sticking out of the exhibit and look at the prairie dogs. I saw a prairie dog eating fruit in the cage. My mom said that's how the zoo workers give the animals medicine and stuff. My day at the zoo was really fun. As I wrote before, "You should go sometime."

This post is part of a post series. To see the last post in the series Click Here.


1 comment:

  1. A very long time ago I went to the zoo with you and I have pictures to remind me of all the fun. I am glad that you still enjoy visiting the animals.
