Friday, August 6, 2010

A Little Bit of My Blender

About 2 weeks ago my mom got a new Kitchen Aid blender because our other one broke. It is pretty cool, and really fun. I enjoy the smoothies the most when I know they were partly made by me. Almost every morning we make a Orange Splash or Verry berry sweet smoothie with the blender. Every once and a while we make a Mint Chocolate Chip Milkshake with the blender. If you want to make these smoothies and this type of milkshake, here are the recipes.

Fun blender recipes:

ChocoMint Milkshake for 3:
5-8 scoops of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
A third of the blender filled with milk

Orange Splash Smoothie for 3:
Lots of orange juice
1-2 squirts of honey
7-10 dashes of sugar
A spoonful of brown sugar
Some pure vanilla
3-5 scoops of plain yogurt
Lots of normal milk

Verry Berry Sweet Smoothie for 3:
Lots of milk
Banana and/or blue berries and/or strawberries
1-3 Squirts of honey
3-5 Scoops of plain yogurt
If you cant make these recipes due to you not having a blender, get one! Mine is great. I am sorry I didn't use real units of measurements for the recipes, because I didn't use them when I made the smoothies.

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