Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Little Bit of the Beach

Not the Beach I went to

Yesterday I went to the beach. The car ride was long and boring but when I got there it was great. This was the first time this year I went. My favorite part about it was Body Boarding. That is when you take this board with a hand strap and put it on, and go into the ocean to catch some waves. Body boarding is like surfing, except you lay down on the board, not stand up. By the way you have to wear a bathing suit when you Body Boarding. I got to go out in the ocean a couple hundred feet and catch these waves. Some collapsed very soon on top of me. Others didn't collapse by me and only acted as a moving large am mount of water. My sister Body Boarded too but she didn't let me go too far out. For a little bit when I got tired of Body Boarding I dug a hole. At first I used a square shovel. That didn't work so I used one of those ones shaped like a half diamond. That was much better. The hole I was digging kept collapsing. My sister and I built walls and other holes to keep the main hole surviving. Eventually it all collapsed so I tried skim boarding. Skim Boarding is when you throw this board down at the edge of the ocean, then jump on it and ride. I wasn't very good, so I went back to Body Boarding. Soon I had to go though. My day at the beach was great. You should go to your nearest beach sometime. Especially in September when the ocean is warm.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack, The day at the beach sounds great. Maybe someday you can come to Fl. to my beach. I love you lots, Mimi
