Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Little BIt of My Bike

For my birthday my grandparents got me a bike because my old one was too small. I have known how to ride a bike since Kindergarten. My bike is a Mongoose 18 inch mountain bike. It has six gears and a break on each handle. I haven't gotten to ride my bike around my block but I am waiting for the chance. Sometimes I ride it down to a park near my house. Once when I was riding down there I was going downhill and wanted the thrill of sixth gear. The pedals stopped working so I jumped off my bike it was pretty cool, I didn't get hurt, but I had to have my dad fix the chain. It is a pretty cool bike. I just rode it down to that park with my dad and sister. My sister is learning how to ride her bike. I really like my bike and am really glad my grandparents got it for me so thank you to them.

If you would like to see the full picture above, click on it.

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