Friday, June 11, 2010

A Little Bit of MacBook

Earlier this week I got a Mac laptop from my school because I got in this program where you get to help other students and teachers with tech. I thought I was going to get a MacBookPro because that's what I get next year but I didn't. At least I got a laptop. One of my favorite parts about it is the fake Dock (the thing at the bottom of the screen that holds programs files and documents).
To make a fake Dock...
1. Pick the background you want on your computer
2. Set up the Dock the way you like it
3. Set up the hard drive folder the way you want it
4. Move all of the files, programs, and documents to somewhere like a folder in the hard drive folder so they wont mess up the background
5. Take a screen shot of the screen except for the gray bar on the top by pressing command+shift+4 and selecting the area you want which I said before
6. Change your background to the screen shot by going in system preferences and dragging it to the picture of your current background in the menu for background and screen saver
7. Move the dock to one of the sides and hide it which is an option in the Dock part of system preferences
8. move the hard drive folder over the one in your background
9. Enjoy

You can do this over and over just remember to reset your background before starting. This only works on Mac computers and it is hard for someone who isn't very good with computers to do this.

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