Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Little Bit of Fondue

One day my mom bought a fondue pot at a store she likes to go to. In case you are wondering what a fondue pot does, it melts cheese and other foods to make a tasty sauce. You can also make chocolate sauce. Once the sauce is made you can dip fruits, veggies, meat and more, into the pot with a special long fork. For about a week or two we had fondue a lot. It was pretty fun. Eventually we got tired of it, so now I don't get to do fondue much anymore. But I am going to try to get another fondue meal. Fondue is a really fun dinner or dessert. You should try it sometime.
All you need is:
A fondue pot
A fondue burner (candle, candle cover, etc.)
A fondue pot holder
Burning alcohol
A lighter/match
Fondue forks
Food to dip in the fondue sauce
Be careful kids! Let your parents set up the burner.


I have been a little busy so I haven't blogged for a while. I am back on track now. The pot my mom got IS NOT the one above.

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