Monday, June 13, 2011

A Little Bit of the Liberty Science Center

Two days ago I went to a place called the Liberty Science Center. It is in Jersey City and is TONS of fun. The first thing I went to was the Touch Tunnel on the fourth floor. It is an 80 ft. long tunnel that you crawl through without any light. You hold on to the walls to get through. It was much harder than I expected. After that I went to a exhibit called Infection Connection. It tells you a lot about diseases. When you walk in, there is a machine that sneezes on you. Behind that is this video game that you can play with other people. In the game, you try to stop germs from getting into your body. Or, if you are the germ, you try to get into the body. I liked this exhibit the most.

Next I went to the Skyscraper exhibit. There is a beam walk where you get a mountain-climbing-harness, and walk across these beams. Also, there is a weather simulation room where you put on a black coat and while air blasts you. Finally we went to a exhibit called Energy Quest. There is this big tube that blows air out, and a fan. If you point the tube at the fan, the air will make the fan spin. The fan is moving a crank that makes energy. It's kind of like a windmill or wind turbine.

After all of the exhibits I went to the IMAX Movie Dome. It is this HUGE aluminum dome where they project 70mm film on the wall and ceiling. I watched a movie about tornadoes called Tornado Alley. It is about a project called Vortex2 and the researchers try to figure out how and when tornadoes are made. The movie was great. At some points it even looked 3-D! If you like hand's on science, then Liberty Science Center is the place for you.


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