Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Little Bit of Xbox 360

Are you tired of Wiis? Are you tired of PS3s and Sony Moves? Get an XBox!
When I was five for Christmas I got a XBox. In a few years it was completely out of date. The XBox 360 took over. Eventually I stopped playing XBox and for years I didn't use Microsoft games. One day my dad told me about a XBox he saw on E-Bay. It was extra cheap and came with lots of games. A few months later it got a virus (Three Rings of Death) and broke. One Christmas morning I came down to find a new XBox 360 ELITE! It was better than the first one and never could get Three Rings of Death. I still have it. It rocks. This just shows you, always get the new version of something (unless the old version is in perfect condition.


1 comment:

  1. Jack, You write the best stories on yoyr blog. I love reading them. Love, Mimi
