On Saturday my family and I went to the beach. The waves were super strong. Once I got sucked under and washed against a bunch of shells. It hurt, a lot. But strong waves wasn't what I was afraid of...A rip current was.
A rip current is when there are different waves pushing against each other creating something like a vacuum. Rip currents don't pull you under, they just suck you away from shore. Rip currents are very dangerous and kill people every day. That is because many people caught in them try to swim straight towards shore. The current pushes them back, they get exhausted and drown. What you are supposed to do is swim sideways away from the current and then towards shore. If you ever get caught in a rip current, now you know what to do. Tell anybody you know. The more people that know how to get out of a rip current, the more people will live. One time my dad and I were caught in a rip current. My dad almost drowned, luckily he knew how to escape. Hopefully you will remember how if you ever get caught in one.
Pic: publicbroadcasting.net
About Rip Currents: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rip_Current
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