Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Little Bit of Activites

Are you bored on weekends? Well I am. Here are a few things to do.

1. Go fishing
2. Vacuum seal stuffed animals
3. Learn to play an instrument
4. Get a blog
5. Keep a journal
6. Go to the beach
7. Go to a lake
8. Go to a pool
9. Go to a farm
10. Hang out with a friend
11. Have a sleepover/slumber party
12. Go shopping
13. Play with toys
14. Take vocal lessons
15. Watch a show
16. Watch a movie
17. See a play
18. Act
19. Get a job
20. Read a book
21. Pump a watermelon with a bike pump
22. Build and launch model rockets
23. Work on your jokes
24. Go to camp
25. Do something you like to do
26. Have a snack
27. Get a new pet (or two)
28. Take care of your pet(s)
29. Help out your friends and/or family
30. Draw
31. If all else fails, play video games

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack, Very good advice. Looks like you won't be bored. Love, Mimi
