Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The Name of This Book is SECRET
I just finished a book called, The Name of This Book is Secret. It is one of the...weirdest books I have ever read.

The plot is about a boy and a girl, who obtain a kit called the Symphony of Smells. It used to belong to a magician, who passed away.  Soon they find a secret message in the box, asking for help. They go to the dead magician's house, to look around, and they find a couple that is trying to buy the house. But the couple isn't  an ordinary couple. Soon they find themselves trying to save their kidnapped friend...

Some, of this book is the author speaking to the reader. At the beginning he says that the story is real, and he can not tell the characters' real names. So he makes up some for them. The boy main character is called Max-Ernest (he has two names because his parents couldn't agree on one), and Cassandra.  Max-Ernest has a problem where he talks too much, while Cassandra is a "survivalist" so she always carries around gear. But, together their problems are useful.

This book wasn't just action and suspense. It also had some laughable content. But this wasn't the main point. That is why it gets **** FOUR STARS.

This is probably the best book I have read this summer. If you are a fan of secrets, and action, this book is for you...If you would like to learn more about these books, click...


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Little Bit of the State Fair

On Sunday I went to the NJ State Fair. We walked through the entrance booth to see lines of games and rides. We went over to one of the ticket booths and bought some tickets for rides and games. The first ride we went on was this mini-roller coaster. It was dragon themed and had a bunch of twists and turns. I rode in the front. At some parts it felt like the roller coaster was going to fly off the track! Soon the ride ended, so we went to the next. You lay down on this massage chair, and start to spin around. It lasted for a really long time. When we went on, the ride was empty. Soon the line started to grow, and grow. Nobody wants to go on an empty ride, but if people are on the ride, it will become popular. After the rides we started to walk around. There was this place with a stable and about 30 horses. People were giving the horses baths when we came.  Soon, my family and I got hungry. We walked over to the isles, and isles filled with food stands. I went to a Greek place and got a Gyro. Yum!

After lunch, we had to go soon, so my dad said each of us could have one more ride. I picked the biggest one in sight...The Fireball. A complete loop, in which you would stop at the top. It looked scary. That is why I chose it. The man strapped me into a seat, and soon I was off. At first the ride wasn't so fast. But it started to go faster...and faster...until it reached the top of the loop! And it stopped. I was horrified. Hanging in the seat upside down. What was only a second felt like eternity. Soon the ride went back down. Gradually getting slower and slower. Soon it was over. I felt sick. While I was on that ride, my sister had gone on one of those pirate ship rides that goes back and forth. She was as scared as me.

The NJ State Fair was a good experience. I had a great time there. It is still open too. You should go!

Pic: bestofnj.com

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Little Bit of the Balloon Festival

On Saturday, I went to the balloon festival in NJ. It was a long drive, but when we got there there were samples, rides, and games. Also it had hot air balloons that you could ride in. We walked through the set up isles and got food drinks and toys. My little brother got a balloon Spider Man on a stick. It is kinda like a puppet.

After all of the attractions we found where they were keeping the bounce houses and balloons. We went in this bounce house called Obstacle Course of Doom. It was a tunnel and a huge slide, about 10 ft high! Soon we payed two dollars to go INSIDE the balloon part of a hot air balloon! There were a bunch of beach balls that you could kick around. One I kicked straight into the air, 20 ft high! Soon, I heard a bunch of oooh and aahing, so I went back outside, to see about 200 hot air balloons being launched into the sky. One even was dropping Hershey Kisses!

The Balloon Festival is a great place to go in the summer. You should go next year!

Pic: deviantart.net

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Little Bit of Inkheart

I Just Finished a Book Called Inkheart. It was pretty good. Mainly It's About a Man and his Daughter. The Weird Thing is, the Man Can Read Characters Out of Books!


The Plot is about 5 people, all of which are trying to stop an evil man. Two of these five have a rare talent, being able to read things out of the book. Unfortunately, when something comes out, another goes in...

The characters in this book were mostly read out of other books. The main characters are, Mo: the father of Meggie. He has a talent of reading things out of books. Meggie: Mo's daughter. She has adopted her father's talent. Elinor: Meggie's great aunt. She loves books more than anything, and somehow is dragged into this adventure. Finally Capricorn: the villain of this story. His main goal is to somewhat take over the world. To do this though, he needs Meggie and Mo to read things out of books for him.


This book has action and suspense, along with sadness and regret. For example: one night Mo accidentally reads his wife into a book. He may never see her again. 


This book is a great book. Once you get about half way through, it starts to get really exciting. If you would like to buy it, Click Here.

Pic: spill.com

Monday, July 18, 2011

A Little Bit of Rip Currents

On Saturday my family and I went to the beach. The waves were super strong. Once I got sucked under and washed against a bunch of shells. It hurt, a lot. But strong waves wasn't what I was afraid of...A rip current was.

A rip current is when there are different waves pushing against each other creating something like a vacuum. Rip currents don't pull you under, they just suck you away from shore. Rip currents are very dangerous and kill people every day. That is because many people caught in them try to swim straight towards shore. The current pushes them back, they get exhausted and drown. What you are supposed to do is swim sideways away from the current and then towards shore. If you ever get caught in a rip current, now you know what to do. Tell anybody you know. The more people that know how to get out of a rip current, the more people will live. One time my dad and I were caught in a rip current. My dad almost drowned, luckily he knew how to escape. Hopefully you will remember how if you ever get caught in one.

Pic: publicbroadcasting.net
About Rip Currents: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rip_Current

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Little Bit of Cars 2

Last Week I Saw a Great Movie. It Was Called Cars 2!

I know Cars 2 sounds like a movie for little children, but it actually was pretty good. The main part of the movie is a race in three different parts of the world. The main character is a race car called Lightning McQueen who is trying to win this race. The race is supposed to be done using a special fuel that is supposed to be totally Eco-friendly. But when the race happens, cars start crashing for no reason...


The weird thing about this movie is that all of the characters are cars (I guess that fits the title though). But some aren't ordinary cars, but secret agents with tools like parachutes, wings and guns. One of the ordinary cars actually becomes a secret agent too...

EMOTIONAL MOVEMENT (how much it made people cry/laugh): ***1/2 THREE AND A HALF STARS
This movie was more about action than comedy or sadness. Even then it was a pretty good movie though.

The movie was animation, so the creators could do pretty much anything with the effects, but even then they used it as an advantage. Talking cars, talking boats, talking planes. Every vehicle talking.

The movie was great overall. It is a great movie for a whole family to see. Also it  has some action to keep you watching...

You should see Cars 2 some time!

Pic: shockya.com

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Little Bit of Kinect

On Christmas morning, I came downstairs to find the tree was full of presents. LEGOs, video games, dolls for my sister, toy cars for my brother, a  deck of fixed cards and some Tech Deck skateboards. After opening all of my presents, I found one more...A XBOX 360 Kinect. 

The Kinect came with a game called Kinect Adventures. The point of the game is to become a "Ultimate Adventurer". To become one you must go through many tests-patching leaks in a underwater box, destroying crates with dodge balls and much more-all which require you to get up and move. The Kinect has two cameras and a laser scanner. The two cameras can see what you are doing, so on the screen the player you are controlling in the game copies you.

The Kinect revolutionizes the XBOX. It gives you a whole new menu, of Kinect games and stats. Also you can download some apps only for the Kinect, like video chat. Even though the Kinect has no controls now, eventually it will adapt to some controllers so you can play games like Call of Duty. I think the Kinect is a great device for kids and adults to enjoy, and exercise while playing video games.

Pic: digitaltrends.com